Latest Episodes

Episode 18 | How to make and communicate decisions remotely
How does your team make decisions? Are individuals empowered to make choices on their own, or does everything happen by committee? In remote life,...

Episode 17 | How to save time with good documentation
Good documentation fuels remote teams, giving your team the info they need at their fingertips to get stuff done without having to ask a...

Episode 16 | Why you shouldn’t try to please everyone
From email to Slack to video calls, we have a lot of ways to communicate at work these days. But what do you do...

Episode 15 | How ‘metawork’ can help your team thrive
In remote work, small decisions can have a big impact on the effectiveness of your team: how you document your work, how you share...

Episode 14 | How to fix your remote meeting culture
Meetings should be a powerful way for your team to advance their work and build relationships. So why are they so often the villain...

Episode 13 | Running operations at a global remote nonprofit with Vanessa Goas
Remote organisations can hire the best person for the job, regardless of where they live. Well, that’s the theory. But the reality is that...